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InTeahouse and Lesso co-invest $2M in Artaic after U.S.-China Robotics Summit


On June 1st, marked the celebration for the new location for Artaic, one of the most innovative and contemporary companies housed at the Boston Design Center. In the beautiful and colorful new location, Artaic founder and CEO Ted Acworth and his team cheerful greeted and welcomed guests to this new space. The program started with Ted thanking his team and partners and continuing with both Massachusetts State and Boston City government representatives speaking to the innovation and manufacturing that Artaic brings to Boston. InTeahouse founder and CEO, Xin Liu, also shared with the crowd with an exciting announcement of a $2MM round of funding to Artaic from Lesso and InTeahouse InnoBanker Holdings. She highlighted the journey of how she and Ted met right after the U.S. Robotics Summit hosted by InTeahouse last October, and from there saw an opportunity for investment and growth for both companies.

Ted was first introduced to InTeahouse by Tom Ryden, Executive Director of MassRobotics, at the U.S.- China Robotics Summit. The summit was an opportunity for InTeahouse to highlight and present a tour of five innovative cities in China that would introduce U.S. companies to investors and public companies. From that trip, Ted and his company would go on to build a long term relationship with InTeahouse and their connections to help with their global expansion.

InTeahouse continues to foster growth for Ted’s company through its program InFriends Global Network, with introductions to new investors and opportunities not only in China but the US as well as in Germany and soon to be in Israel and Great Britain.